Our Clients became Flight Attendants with the following airlines:
In the USA:
AirTran Airways*
Alaska Airlines
Allegheny Airlines
America West*
American Airlines
American Eagle
American Trans Air*
Atlantic Southeast
Chautauqua Airlines
Colgan Air
Continental Airlines*
Continental Express*
Delta Air Lines
Freedom Air
Frontier Airlines
Horizon Air
Independence Air*
jetBlue Airways
Mesa Air
Mesaba Airlines
Midway Airways*
National Airlines*
North American Int'l*
Northwest Airlines*
Omni Air
PanAm (new)
Piedmont Airlines
Ryan Air
Southwest Airlines
Trans World Airlines*
United Airlines
US Airways*
World Airways*
*Airlines marked with an asterisk (*) have either merged or gone out of business.
The rest of the world:
Aeroflot (Russia) Emirates Qatar
Air Canada Fisher Air (Czech)* Silk Air (Singapore)
Air France Japan Air Lines Singapore Airlines

Air New Zealand Lufthansa (Germany) South African Airways
British Airways Philippine Airlines Swiss International
CSA Czech Airlines Qantas (Australia) Thai Airways
Varig (Brazil)
We Deliver FedEx Service at Southwest Airlines prices.
Contact us at
Tel.: 818-429-6310
17241 Bullock Street
Encino, CA 91316-1437, USA
We thank our clients for making us look good.
Tom Janovsky taking a break during class
I have always been impressed with the slogan of the United Negro College Fund:
"A mind is a terrible thing to waste." There is a lot of truth to it, and I have seen it time and time again when I saw otherwise bright young kids rushed into the operating room because they were shot to pieces in a gang fight. Working in the OR - whether in the Open Heart or in Trauma - was very taxing. But I enjoyed the adrenalin rush. It was exciting, despite the 14-16 hour shifts we had to pull at times still losing the patient.
Then I got laid off because the hospital went into bankruptcy. My wife knew I always loved flying and she gave me the support to start an airline job at minimum wage. Quite a jump. "You got to start somewhere," I thought. And I started attending airline Open Houses. I saw something that reminded me of the slogan I mentioned above: a lot of excellent, customer oriented people were turned away, just because they did not know how to play the airline game. I saw a lot of talent wasted - and wasting a talent is just as terrible as wasting someone's mind. Someone should tell them, I thought. And then I reflected: well, why not me? And I started to write a book. I got a different adrenalin rush from attending interviews and making it, only to find some excuse why I could not fly. I loved staying home with my wife. Until... I could not back off, when the airline I worked for needed my language skills in Inflight. I was stuck, and had to do it. And so I started flying, and I finished the book that started it all - the first edition of FLIGHT ATTENDANT CAREER.
I was very happy that I have made that change. I have helped a lot of people and my life was different just because I was looking after healthy people (well, almost always...). What makes me the happiest is when I see my clients graduate because, you see, just like a mind is a terrible thing to waste, I believe that wasting a lifetime dream is also sad - especially when reaching it is at your fingertips. If you have some doubts, don't wait. Call me. You can almost always get me at 818-429-6310, or e-mail me at tomjanovsky@yahoo.com. We'll see what's best for you. You'll see that it helps to talk about it.
Tom Janovsky, CEO
Midnight Flight Airways
(in case you wondered...)
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As the Governor of New York said a few weeks ago:
The worst part was that by the time people were diagnosed, their disease was too advanced to save them. Coronavirus got its name because of its crown-like appearance under microscope.
Airlines were the first industry to be hit by financial losses stemming from the virus impact. After all, it was very likely that most of the sick people entered this country by planes. At the time of this writing (end of April 2020), almost 90% of U.S. commercial passenger planes were grounded.
Our museum and training facility is located in California’s High Desert. Some 10 miles from us is the Victorville airport – formerly George Air Force Base, which – during the Cold War – was populated by McDonnell-Douglas F-4 Phantoms II and the people who made sure the Phantoms were always ready to defend our Pacific shores. The base, along with El Toro Marine Air Base and Norton AFB were closed by the Clinton Administration. March AFB became a joint forces base; Miramar Naval base near San Diego moved out the Top Gun school to Falon, Nevada and accommodated the planes and personnel from El Toro.
Victorville airport became a civilian cargo airport with big plans: a new railway was to be built from Long Beach ship yards to Victorville. That never materialized, and the airport has been largely a home to retired planes and planes that needed a new paint job.
It started filling up when B737-Max planes were grounded last year. That airport is filled now almost to a capacity by planes that airlines no longer can fill, and it will stay like that for some time. Judging by events after 9/11, it will take several years to bring airlines to some profitability, while trying to get back to original flight schedules.
As mentioned in the opening page of this website, U.S. government made sure that most people will not be laid off from airlines till the end of September. Airlines offered time off without pay. But, just like after 9/11, not everyone is taking it.
The past few months – and certainly the next 6 months – will be the “time of reckoning” for many people who have worked for the airlines. Many flight attendants have known their colleagues who have contracted the coronavirus. Some flight attendants died from it.
It’s time for you to take a sober look at the situation and see how strong your desire is. Do you want to become a flight attendant so much that you will take a chance, even if it should cost you your life? Certainly you were faced with that question when you considered the possibility of perishing in a plane accident. But this virus is a new situation affecting a much larger number of flight attendants than rare accidents.
I am sure the same question is on the minds of the flight attendants who are still on the payroll, thanks to our government. But not everyone will be coming back, and I suspect that while thousands of flight attendants in this country are idle – since there are no flights to work on – they give it a serious thought and perhaps are looking for a job where exposure to a deadly virus is less likely. Not all people who will be eventually furloughed, or those who took leave of absence, will decide to come back.
There will be a chance - albeit small - that airlines will look for new people after they accommodate those who were furloughed. That’s when it may happen that there will be a short opening window for applications on airline websites and interested people will be invited to apply. The window may be only a few hours.
If your heart is still in flying after this “huge crash” we experienced this year, than it is prudent to be ready for that moment, in every way. It is a good thing to get everything ready – your paperwork as well as your mental state – to go for it when the time comes. Our books are the best way to get ready. And don’t forget to get your resume ready.
If you have any questions, e-mail me at tomjanovsky@yahoo.com, I’ll be glad to answer them as best as I can.
As a kid, your favorite toys were little planes and Barbie dolls dressed like flight attendants. Most of your adult life you looked up to the skies every time you heard the sound of a jet flying over. Every now and then you caught yourself daydreaming of working the jumbos on international flights. And perhaps you even imagined yourself in some faraway places, enjoying your layovers and seeing the most incredible sights. All that was justified – airlines have been making money hand over fist, expanding, starting routes to places that have never seen a jumbo jet before, until...
Until a few short news releases leaked out from China in December 2019 about a nasty new virus that killed people inside a few days, completely destroying their lungs, and the sick people would essentially drown in the resulting fluid on their lungs. It was called "coronavirus."
During the last few months we published 5th Editions of our best-sellers, totally updated (just the stuff on coronavirus is not in there yet, it will be in the next edition). You might consider getting them, because they are the best and most-up-to-date flight attendant interview and training preparation books. Even if you are just interested in what the job is about, and what it takes to get into it and stay in it, you can't find a better source of information than this one:
A list of the chapters will give an idea about the detailed contents:
What does it take?
The aviation business
Which airline is right for you?
The job
The dark side
Corporate aviation
Your resume
The application
Airline training
Your office in the skies
Your passport
8 1/2 x 11; 180 pages; over 180 aviation photos.
ISBN: 978-1-7337588-0-2
If all you want is to get ready for your interviews, this is the ultimate book to study and work on the Workbook inside:
List of chapters:
Drug testing
How a famous foreign airline does it (differently)
Understanding your interviewers heart, mind an soul
followed by 295 flight attendant interview questions we collected over the past 20+ years:
Personal questions
Questions about flight attendant work and silly stuff
You and the airline questions
Questions like "You are the flight attendant and..."
On-line application Questionnaires questions
Telephone and Internet questions
Video interview questions
City codes
Aviation glossary
8 1/2 x 11; 212 pages; over 200 aviation photos.
ISBN: 978-1-7337588-1-9
We accept personal checks, money orders and PayPal.
If you use personal checks or bank or postal money orders (within the United States), make them out to
Tom Janovsky and enter the appropriate amount (cost of the materials and appropriate shipping - see below) and mail it to
Tom Janovsky
Midnight Flight
17241 Bullock Street
Encino, CA 91316-1437.
We will ship the materials as soon as your personal check is cleared. Orders paid for by M.O. will be shipped out the same day they are received.
SHIPPING: Free shipping by Media Mail (takes about 10 days) or by Priority Mail (for additional $6; I split the postage with you).
If you use PayPal, send the appropriate amount to
Materials will be shipped the same day.
Canada & Mexico:
We accept International Money Orders made out in U.S. dollars to Tom Janovsky, or PayPal. PayPal payments must be sent to tomjanovsky@yahoo.com.
Shipping is available only by USPS Priority Mail at US$15.00 per package (I still pay part of the shipping).
We accept International Money Orders made out in U.S. dollars to Tom Janovsky, or PayPal. PayPal payments must be sent to tomjanovsky@yahoo.com.
Shipping is available only by USPS Priority Mail at US$20.00 per package (I still pay a part of the shipping).
It will be available in July 2020. Edited by Tom from FAR/AIM and FAR/AC by the FAA, this is a selection of federal regulations concerning flight attendants.
Just in time for Christmas we'll publish
A manual based on what we planned as Midnight Flight Airways airlines, modified into a more generic form. It will give you most of the information you'll eventually find in the manual of the airline that will hire you, including dealing with emergencies and providing sterling service seen only in the best airlines of the world.
It is the third edition which will be again lavishly illustrated by photos provided by Ing. Martin Novak, our Czech affiliate in Prague, Czech Republic.
Order both books at the same time and
and get
shipping by Priority Mail anywhere in the U.S.
Martin Novak, "Our Man In Prague," is a recognized aviation photographer. After working for more than 35 years in aviation, he knows what he is looking at, and he let us use hundreds of his great photos in our two latest books. Thanks a lot, Martin.
You have been looking forward to flying as a flight attendant. You have gone perhaps through all those nasty hijackings, accidental or intentional downing of commercial planes by hateful governments, 9/11, SARS and other epidemic infections, and things got ruined by an even nastier virus. And you wonder if you should trade your "flying dream" for a safer dream at a desk job...
If you still think once in a while and see yourself working on the plane, you probably realize that this time the wait will be longer than before. Should you forget it?
It is, of course up to you and your unique situation in life. But if there is still a flicker of hope, a little flame burning inside that you still want that great job, don't tell yourself to wait till "whenever." The time for planing is now, even though the wait may be longer than before.
The time to start getting ready, with creating a unique resume that will "knock your interviewers dead." Start saving money as tight as it is at this time, start putting away some money for the time when you are in training. Start maybe with just putting $10/week in your little jar. You can always increase it when you can afford it. Don't dip into that jar just to get things that you don't really need. Go back to that jar just when you have more money to put in, even if it is just change.
Get ready for your interviews. Start checking websites of all airlines for the time they start hiring a few people again. Make sure your passport is valid for several years. In short, make sure that no matter how soon, or how far from now airlines will start hiring again, you can just turn on the Internet, click on airline websites and put a complete application in when the opening is there. It's like they say: "Those who fail to plan, plan to fail."
You don't want to be one of hem. We can help, and this is a good time when you have time for it and are not seaching frantically for those few vital pieces of information or the proper answers to your interview questions,
The times when I ended up having some of my clients on my crew were only a few, but they belong to my most cherished memories.
Raman W., was a client who flew for a day-long consult with me in Los Angeles from Florida. I could tell, after the whole day and an interview we video-recorded, that he had the right stuff.
It was a very proud moment for me to see him on my crew and deliver outstanding service.
Tom J. and Raman W. as crew mates.
Midnight Flight Update will be published again. We'll start with a quarterly publication which will be distributed via e-mail, and as time permits, it will become again a monthly newsletter.
When I was very sick in the last few years, I almost gave up on Midnight Flight. But, about a year before the coronavirus struck, my former clients convinced me that I should go on. They asked me to help their adult children last year. And I caught the second wind and reworked half of my books, with more updated books coming out. I will not stop even now when it is almost certain that I’ll lose some money every time I decide to publish a new edition of proven success-maker. It will take years before the sales recover. But it is fun to work on new, updated editions of materials that have helped thousands to their “office in the skies.”
Two books are already reworked, updated and published – “Flight Attendant Career” and “295 Real Flight Attendant Interview Questions with Answers That Work.” Those are available now. I am also working now on an edition of federal government “Federal Aviation Regulations concerning Flight Attendants (FARs - it will be the second edition), and the “Flight Attendant Manual,” in its 3rd edition. Those should be available before the coming Fall. While the “Manual” is extremely helpful to aspiring applicants, the “FARs” will be helpful for both new and more senior flight attendants since they contain government updates to 2020.
We also have a number of copies of “World Geography and City Codes for Flight Attendants and Other Travel Professionals.” World geography has not changed significantly in the last decade (at least not for majority of air destinations).
I also work diligently on our air museum in the High Desert, Despite being locked in the office for most of the time during this coronovirus episode, I have no time to get bored. If you have any suggestions for any other helpful materials I might want to work on, tell me, I’ll be glad to hear from you.
Some of these people, and others, have used our materials to get that "office in the skies."
They used the materials successfully in every continent because they were ready for every question that might come up.
The materials not only give you the questions and answers but every possible tip on how to present yourself in the best light.
But like they say on TV, that's not all...
You get free consults assist with difficult situation for as long as you need it - from putting in your application till as long as you fly.
No one else does that. And it's all included in the cost of your materials.